“In My Arms” By Grizfolk Ft. Jamie N Commons

“I mentioned an idea of the ‘falling dream,’ the one where you jolt awake right before, or as you hit the ground in a breathless state. ‘In My Arms’ came from a place of wanting to comfort someone in times of trouble and distress which couldn’t be more important in any given time, especially right now.” – Brendan Willing James The […]

“My Way” By Jack Bruno

“I lost the last six months / Drowned myself in these plastic cups” The Who: Jack Bruno (Los Angeles, CA) The What: When push comes to shove, necessity can be the mother of reinvention. Just ask Jack Bruno who was fronting one of Los Angeles’ most promising indie alternative bands until substance abuse derailed that train but, if nothing else, […]

“Never Swim Alone” By Death From Above

The Who: Death From Above (Toronto, Canada) The What: In black and white, embracing their natural inclination for bringing a sonic car wreck to the dance floor, and with Sebastien Grainger (vocals, drums) and Jesse F. Keeler (bass, keys, synths) aka Death From Above (now minus the 1979) – obviously – playing some weird, Canadian version of Charades, “Never Swim Alone” […]

“Try To Fight” By Cathedrals

  The Who: Cathedrals (San Francisco, CA) The What: When first we heard “Try To Fight” back in April, we thought it a sexy strobe light glimmer, synthy suave, get your dance on-groove that fits oh-so nicely in the Brodie Jenkins/Johnny Hwin aka Cathedrals sonic playbook of sound and, man, were we into it. Turning to an old friend, Cathedrals […]

“Who Is This Guy” By Superet

The Who: Superet (Los Angeles, CA) The What: For about 2 1/2 minutes Superet relentlessly asks a simple question and – while we’re not sure if they ever got an answer – one thing makes itself clear: Matt Blitzer (vox/guitar), Alex Fischel (keys), Sam KS (drums), Patrick Kelly (bass) and Isaac Tamburino (guitar/keys/percussion) have a feel for dishing out a […]

“Gave Away” By Sian Cross

The Who: Sian Cross (London, England) The What: When listening to Sian Cross, you hear a unique world of stories being told with a  beautiful haunt and aural intensity. Her upcoming EP, Catalyst, features “Gave Away” and, while the song is a sensually heady groove, Sian stepped behind the camera to capture and share what actually lies beneath… “The music video is […]

“Mother Tongue” The King’s Parade

The Who: The King’s Parade (London, England) The What: If there is one thing that we can appreciate, it is a seemingly seamless fusion of alternative rock, blues and soul. Throw in an English accent and, oh yeah, we’re into it. So say hello to The King’s Parade: the London-based quartet of Olly Corpe, Sam Rooney, Tom English and Chris Brent […]