“Try To Fight” By Cathedrals


The Who: Cathedrals (San Francisco, CA)

The What: When first we heard “Try To Fight” back in April, we thought it a sexy strobe light glimmer, synthy suave, get your dance on-groove that fits oh-so nicely in the Brodie Jenkins/Johnny Hwin aka Cathedrals sonic playbook of sound and, man, were we into it.

Turning to an old friend, Cathedrals tapped Jesse Fleece for director duties to do the song visual justice. According to Brodie, “When we were kids, Jesse and I spent summers together at camp with our families. Somehow, we’ve stayed friends all these years. Pretty amazing that we’ve gone from fishing for crawdads with gummy bears to making music videos together.” Okay, that’s kind of cute. Along with choreographer Donna Thomsen’s interpretation, the outstanding dance moves of Kylie Shea and Nick Baga (La La Land, Grease! Live, Dancing With the Stars), and going all homage to the 80s (arguably, the best decade EVER), “Try To Fight” becomes so much neon light-lit, throwback fun ala Flashdance digging up those old dance fantasy feelings that you may start rocking leg warmers again.

Please don’t do that. No, seriously.

As well done as we may think the final video product is, it pales in comparison to when it’s your song. “It’s an awesome feeling to watch your song come to life through an entirely new medium.” Brodie added. “Working with the director, our dear friend Jesse Fleece, was a dream – we all shared the same vision, and he captured it completely. Seeing Kylie and Nick perform Denna’s choreography of ‘Try to Fight’ for the first time was so powerful, and their dancing in the video still gives us chills. We hope you feel this one as much as we do.”

We’ll just be over here rocking a side ponytail and enrolling in Jazzercise classes.

The Where: You can find and keep up with Cathedrals via the usual suspects: Find them at their official website, Facebook page and at @WeAreCathedrals on Twitter.