Chelsea Schwartz, Founder (aka The Mad Hatter)
Glancing deeply into her crystal ball you will see that Chelsea has been moving mountains since the age of 14. Inspired by Cameron Crowe, she began writing her own fan zines in sixth grade before quickly moving into the world of freelance with articles in Teen People, Billboard, Music News (Houston), and many more. In 2003 she established High Voltage. In addition to being an entertainment journalist, Chelsea is also a pop culture content creator, a SAG-AFTRA performer, and member of the Hollywood Creative Alliance. Her biggest fandoms include Lord of the Rings, Marvel Cinematic Universe and musicals. @sprinkledbymagic
Amanda Bard, Murder-Mystery Savant
Amanda first dipped her toe into the local music scene when she befriended a guy in her college math class who owned a music label. Having previously been only exposed to bigger concerts (her first show was *NSYNC), suddenly Amanda found herself immersed into the small independent scene surrounded by up and coming talent. She’ll forever remember her first local music show was with a now defunct band called Chasing Paper; the show forever changed her outlook on music. An equestrian by day, Amanda met Kristen Coveleskie by happenstance at an event and later co-founded As a perpetual student, Amanda started taking drum lessons a year ago and hasn’t looked back. @ScarlettTrinity
Shanna Bowie, TV Vixen
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. Years of writing fan-fiction and critiquing television online have honed her skills and, in addition to High Voltage, she writes and podcasts for Project Fandom and the MTR Network. Shanna also maintains a secret identity as an arts educator and advocate. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order. @shittybonmots
Kristen Coveleskie, Research Junkie
Kristen’s whole life changed when she discovered the existence of local music in her college town outside Philadelphia. When her favorite band broke up, she decided a big change was needed and found her way to Los Angeles – a city that supports her music addiction by offering a variety of live shows every night of the week. A fervent champion of many artists and bands, she co-founded Often soft-spoken, Kristen spends her days studying the brain as a research scientist at UCLA, but if you want to get her talking, just ask about last night’s show. @_localmusicnat
Trina N. Green, Music Ambassador
All you need to know about Trina can be discerned by watching “The Golden Girls” and “I Love Lucy.” A native New Yorker, veteran, cat lover & an olive fiend who landed in Los Angeles with the sole intention of death by music immersion because she could not imagine a life without it. Trina wants to discover your new favorite band, fool you into believing she’s absolutely brilliant, become sponsored by Pepsi and for musicians she loves to NOT have a day job. Unless that day job is music, of course. @dharma69
Izzy Cihak, Post-Punk Professor
During the day Izzy Cihak teaches transgression, subversion, and revolution at Temple University. At night he haunts Philly’s best venues to cover worthwhile acts for High Voltage and PHILTHY MAG. Morrissey is everything to him and, in their own heads, all of his friends see themselves as Zooey Deschanel. @IzzyCihak
Naimah Holmes, Dreamer Extraordinaire
Naimah Holmes is an artist, freelance model, writer, blogger, Whovian, professional daydreamer, and creator of DMae Clothing a line of hand-painted originally designed clothing and accessories available via Etsy.
In addition to her work in the arts Naimah has been a part of the High Voltage family since 2006 in various forms. She loves catchy theme songs, cosplay, great choruses, musicals, and cover songs. She dislikes long intros, poetry that rhymes, hairspray, beef and people who don’t get why Sci- Fi/Fantasy are epic. @NisForNeemah