Amanda Bard |
December 1, 2017
If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area on Sunday December 3rd, feel free to cruise out to the Shrine Expo Hall & Grounds for Emo Night Day: an all-ages, multiple stages event celebrating the third anniversary of Emo Nite: that established emo rock themed party so many fans love, this one including art installations, food trucks and more. I know, I […]
Trina N. Green |
November 10, 2017
On thing that you will never find here on High Voltage is the copying & pasting of a press release and passing it off as journalism, because it’s not: it’s lazy as fuck. Leave it to U2 to become an exception to our very strident rule. With what are obviously the right intentions and in an effort to keep tickets out […]
Trina N. Green |
November 6, 2017
Should you need a distraction from [insert current/never-ending disaster HERE], welcome to your respite from all of that. There’s a lot of good music out there waiting to be discovered and – I know, I know – your very real life takes up a lot of your time. Here are a few songs from a few artists who are worth […]
Trina N. Green |
October 17, 2017
If I could place a call to JD McPherson regarding his new album, Undivided Heart & Soul, that potentially one-sided conversation would go something like this: Hey, JD, let’s talk. Actually I’ll talk, you just listen: There’s something quite fine about the musical ability to deeply beckon the past into the present and wear it well without it looking and […]
Amanda Bard |
October 12, 2017
Okay, so you have all the deets on season 2 of Riverdale, but are you needing more of Archie and the gang in your life? How about some additional fun stuff that we found out at San Diego Comic Con? If you just nodded, “Yes, please,” then check below for some extra goodies from cast members Cole Sprouse, Ashleigh Murray, KJ Alpa, […]
Trina N. Green |
October 6, 2017
“As you’re coming up, you’re recognized song for song or album for album. What’s changed these days is that the man who approaches me on the street is more or less thanking me for a body of work – the soundtrack to his life, as a lot of them say. And that’s a wonderful feeling. It’s all an artist can […]
Trina N. Green |
September 29, 2017
I had but one simple question for Austin, TX’s Walker Lukens about his shiny new album, Tell It To The Judge (out 9/22 on via Modern Outsider Records), and I had all the faith that Lukens’ response would be an objective and honest opinion, unbiased and linear in thought… Me: “You’re the top music critic in the world and write […]