Trina N. Green |
January 11, 2019
Here in America, this Friday, January 11th is Day 21 of government gridlock fuckery care of the Toddler-In-Chief and we congratulate him for being such a superb and shiny example of American Anti-Exceptionalism. Sir, we salute you…with a very specific appendage. It’s also a day when a ton of new music enters the stratosphere, and with so much to choose […]
Trina N. Green |
June 15, 2018
A breadcrumb trail of sensuous singles left by R&B songstress Iyves over the past four years has led to…Chromatic. The reemergence of Iyves began in March with the release of the emotionally empowering single, “Not Afraid To Fall,” with its deep currents of groove bracing her deeply felt and newfound embrace of the unknown. It’s the last track on her […]
Trina N. Green |
November 17, 2015
In no way are we encouraging sympathy for the Devil: we simply wish to get to know Josh Doty (vox), Elliot Polokoff (guitar), Jesse Mancillas (lead guitar) and Austen Butler (drums) from the Sacramento-based band Cemetery Sun a little better. As a unit, everything from hip-hop and pop to R&B and alternative rock are sources of inspiration and have found themselves woven into the five […]
Trina N. Green |
October 13, 2015
The gentlemen on the cover of this year’s Spring issue of High Voltage are the fine indie rock outfit from Oxford, England, A Silent Film: Robert Stevenson and Spencer Walker. They wound up as cover artists because their fans put them there. Literally. Trying something different than simply doing a story on an artist of our choosing, we opened things […]
Trina N. Green |
October 12, 2015
You would have to be living under a rock in order to be oblivious to the current state of hundreds of thousands of refugees across the Middle East and Europe in need of humanitarian assistance. It’s a real world problem affecting real people who are doing little more than trying to escape violence and conflict in their homelands in order […]
Trina N. Green |
October 4, 2015
Jessica Jones is a mess: a straight up and unequivocally extreme case of human baggage. But that doesn’t mean that she’s not trying to do the right thing…even if she is a little grumpy before her morning coffee. The first trailer for the upcoming Netflix original series Marvel’s Jessica Jones (with Krysten Ritter in the lead role) teased us with […]
Trina N. Green |
May 27, 2015
“The 12-year break is over and school is back in session. Sign up now. Knights of the Soundtable ride again!” – Chris Cornell How do you thank a band that you love for the joy that they’ve given you over the years? The live shows, that special song, that favorite album, the friends that you’ve met due to your mutual […]