Tokio Hotel @ Viper Room

Tokio Hotel | Viper Room (West Hollywood, CA) | January 15, 2015 | A lot of secret things happen in Los Angeles each night, that is unless you’re a super fan. When word leaked of a secret Tokio Hotel show at the Viper Room, “Aliens” (that’s what Tokio Hotel fans call themselves) began to queue up in the early afternoon […]

The Wild Feathers @ The El Rey

The Wild Feathers | El Rey Theatre (Los Angeles, CA) | October 29, 2014 | Everyone left The El Rey Theatre Wednesday night with a smile on their face but how could you not smile after such a rousing set from Tennessee rockers, the Wild Feathers? The set began with a palpable energy shift in the room as the audience crept […]

Sir Sly @ the El Rey

Sir Sly | El Rey Theatre (Los Angeles, CA) | September 29, 2014 | You would have been hard pressed to walk out of the El Rey after Sir Sly’s thrilling set without it having some kind of impact on you. There’s a good chance you might have found yourself absentmindedly singing or humming to any one of their songs […]

Royal Blood @ Troubadour

Royal Blood | The Troubadour (Los Angeles, CA) | September 29, 2014 | The Brighton, UK gents Michael Kerr (vox, bass), Ben Thatcher (drums), the ball cap and leather jacket now widely known as Royal Blood have a pretty good thing going here in Los Angeles. Since their rather meteoric rise across the pond after a mere two years in […]

How To Dress Well @ the Echoplex

How To Dress Well | The Echoplex (Los Angeles, CA) | August 22, 2014 | There’s a good chance that you will do one of three things at a How To Dress Well show: dance, cry or make out. Preferably with someone you actually know on that last one. The cool and dungeon-esque dark of the Echoplex was as fine […]

Night Terrors of 1927 @ The Troubadour

Night Terrors of 1927 | Troubadour (Los Angeles, CA) | July 10, 2014 | If there was a band that needed a full length album for sale after their show, it would be Night Terrors of 1927. Over half of their Troubadour set list is not available on their Guilty Pleas EP making it extremely difficult to relive songs during […]

Xander Smith @ the Mimosa Music Series

What’s this? Xander Smith showcasing as a solo artist? Better known as the lead singer of the indie rock band Run Run Run, Xander Smith took over the Mimosa Music Series to play a few new songs from his upcoming album, Outside, available July 14th . Xander started the show with himself and his guitarist then exploded in sound with […]