On My Way by Ben Kweller

Ben Kweller | On My Way | Rating: 8.2/11 | There’s this theory regarding bands having a sophomore slump, meaning the release of their sophomore album will have far less success than the debut. A good portion of bands do suffer from this, but every now and then the really talented overcome this “slump.” Ben Kweller (to be referred to as BK from here on) […]

Winning Days by The Vines

The Vines | Winning Days | Rating: 9.25/11 | Reviewed by: Melissa Lozano | The contagious enthusiastic sound of “Ride” kicks the Vines’ latest Capitol Records effort Winning Days, a follow-up to the band’s debut hit Highly Evolved. The album is a complete rollercoaster ride of melodic sounds laced within the first three tracks and diced into “She’s Got Something To Say To Me,” as well as hard […]

Logic Will Break Your Heart by The Stills

The Stills | Logic Will Break Your Heart | Rating: 9.5/11 | Reviewed by: Jennifer F. | The Stills, Logic Will Break Your Heart, was released on Atlantic Records in October of 2003. This debut album by the Canadian band is of sound quality both musically and lyrically. The deep, rich voice of singer Tim Fletcher is fitting to the haunting and pained themes of loss of […]

Permission To Land by The Darkness

The Darkness | Permission To Land | Rating: 9/11 | Reviewed by: Melissa Lozano | No joke, The Darkness is the kind of band you hear a lot about so you purchase Permission to Land, the British band’s debut album, in order to form your own conclusion. After the first forty-five seconds you’re not sure whether to laugh or give a pair of devil horns. Well, my […]

Take Them On, On Your Own by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club | Take Them On, On Your Own | Rating: 9/11 | Reviewed by: Jennifer F. | Black Rebel Motorcycle Club’s sophomore CD, Take Them On, On Your Own, is a nice follow up to the band’s 2001 release, B.R.M.C. The sounds and themes are very similar to the first record. Take Them On, On Your Own starts with the tracks “Stop” and “Six Barrel Shotgun.” […]

Youth & Young Manhood by Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon | Youth & Young Manhood | Rating: 10.5/11 | While the opening track off of Kings of Leon’s debut album, Youth & Young Manhood, claims “nobody’s even listening to ya,” that statement is far from the truth. Youth & Young Manhood is an infectious album with simple chords, a classic southern blues rock feel, and a singing technique close to that of Janis Joplin. Although […]

Built on Squares by Starlight Mints

Starlight Mints | Built on Squares | Rating: 9.8/11 | Reviewed by: Jennifer F. | Built On Squares is an impressive album from the talented trio known as Starlight Mints. It’s not their first CD, and hopefully, not the last. Built On Squares starts off strong with cello and violin solos that give the first track, “Black Cat,” an old-fashioned feel. The uniqueness of this first track is extended […]