Trina N. Green |
January 20, 2017
Pat Benatar may not be able to physically attend the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday January 21st due to a scheduling conflict, but that isn’t stopping her from lending her unmistakable and rock iconic voice to the cause and releasing her first new song in over 10 years. It’s “SHINE”: an anthem for women created by female artists because music […]
Trina N. Green |
December 30, 2016
This is the part of the program where I do that end-of-the-year thing and get all predictive, hence my annual 10 Artists To Watch, version 2017. These days there’s no such thing as a sure bet but, where these artists are concerned, the odds are looking pretty sweet. The folks below are either fresh faces who have displayed a boatload of promise or […]
Trina N. Green |
December 25, 2016
Slouching towards – no, not Bethlehem – the end of the year, some may find themselves in a gentle repose awash in the glow of the year’s merciful bounty… I am not one of those people. If your feelings run similar, please join me in bidding 2016 a hearty “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.” while setting […]
Trina N. Green |
December 16, 2016
It’s Friday, it’s raining in Los Angeles and there are but 15 days left in this wretched excuse for a year. The universal consensus is that 2016 has been an annus horribilis (still thanking Queen Elizabeth II for that one) but, music wise, there have been some rays of goodness to hold on to. So put your earbuds in or headphones […]
Trina N. Green |
December 12, 2016
With a mere three weeks left in the year, I only have 39 more attempts (52 counting this past Friday) to hook you on a song, artist or band. I accept this challenge and put forth my updated Spotify HEAR THIS playlist: 13 songs added every Friday for your music discovery pleasure. In addition to the four bits of quality listed below, it’s been […]
Trina N. Green |
December 8, 2016
In the grand scheme of things, 2016 kind of sucked more than a Hoover, but Nick Wold (vox, guitar), Nelson (bass) and Jacob Wick (drums) aka DREAMERS have been fruitful and productive: from thousands of road miles on tour spreading the goodness of their punchy, iridescent and more thoughtful than you would expect pop tinged rock to moving cross country, […]
Trina N. Green |
December 2, 2016
Hey there, lovelies. Welcome to this HEAR THIS quick hit. My Spotify HEAR THIS playlist grows deeper by the week: every Friday I add 13 songs that are interesting (to my ears, anyway) and feel are worthy of getting into yours. The goal: That you, my friend, may find at least TWO songs/artists that warrant further inspection. Find your new favorite […]