Music On, World Off: What Are Fridays For, Again?

Fridays are cool; we tend to call in sick with some contagious but temporary condition, it kick starts the process of indulging in a weekend’s worth of activities that we’ll pretend never happened come Monday morning and new music comes pouring out of every streaming hole. But this Friday holds two extra cards: round two of Coachella (y’all have fun […]

The Soul Shine of Mondo Cozmo @ SXSW

Without the benefit of being a fly on the wall, a warm body in the room, a player at the label or a close personal friend or colleague along for the often treacherous ride, the perspective of an outsider with unimpeded love for an artist’s work is the place where we tend to come from, the lane that most of […]

Nostalgia, Girl Power & The Future: Ray Little

In January we introduced you to Ray Little shortly before her “coming out” party/show at The Echo in Los Angeles: a show that turned into a beautiful collision of the past, the present, the future and the many friends amassed along the way. With three women on the bill that night (Little, Aja Volkman and GROZ), the energy – while […]

Music On, World Off: #NeverForget The Swedish Incident

Pacific storm Lucifer hit the west coast, the original “funky drummer,” Clyde Stubblefield, has left us for that ever-growing and what is surely the most EPIC band in heaven, Hidden Figures is now the highest grossing film to be nominated for the Academy Awards Best Picture ($132 million, yo) and – oh yes – the person who now occupies the White […]

Music On, World Off…Love, Dharma69: 2/3/17

So we’re 35 days into the new year: how’s it working out for you? Great. Now that we’ve gotten the awkward out of the way, we can talk about things that – unlike haphazardly applied human bans targeting certain groups of people – are basically harmless yet can be more cerebral than the current president of the United States…like music. If […]

Four Ways To Engage: Black History Month

It’s Black History Month and, without any shadows of any doubt, take away the multitude of contributions to science, medicine, music and art, activism, let alone the back and soul crushing labor (voluntary and otherwise) of black people, America would not be the country that she is today. While black history is worthy of acknowledgement year round, February serves as […]

Introducing…Aly Ryan

Who is Aly Ryan? We’re all about to find out. Fresh on the heels of releasing her first single, “Headed for Heartbreak,” The 20 year young singer-songwriter will get to show and showcase her talents opening for the extraordinary Zane Carney (from the band CARNEY) on Thursday January 26th at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles. With a big […]