The Roxy | Los Angeles, CA | June 13, 2019 | Photos: ZB Images |

In case you didn’t know, Warbly Jets are what turn of the 21stcentury British rock sounds like in the hands of a hip and plucky bunch of Los Angeles Americans today. A spacey and spacious, synth-washed, sampled, and funked-up hybrid of Kasabian and Oasis, equal parts acidic riffs and sweet grooves with a broad-based human commentary applicable to just about every era where rock music had an attitude and hope to adjust that of the listener by banging out songs like “The Lowdown,” “Alive,” “Cool Kill Machine” and “No Allegiance to the Game.”
Because you don’t just kick out an EP called Propaganda where the title track shreds war, rails about the rapture and surviving a tortured era without being a little dialed into the nonsensicality of the times. And dialed in Warbly Jets are: they simply make the nonsense sound dance and headbang-worthy and – trust – we appreciate that.