The Who: Love Ghost (Los Angeles, CA)
The What: The next time that you hear someone grouse about youth being wasted on the young feel free to scoff at such generational disenchantment and, perhaps, even point out that they may be looking at the wrong youth.
As teenagers specializing in thick, alternative rock on the grungier side of the street, Love Ghost is Finn Bell (vox/guitar/keys), Mya Greene (viola), Ryan Stevens (Bass), and Samson Young (drums) who – as a band – have always been ones to exorcise their youthful existence through sound and vision and in ways that far belie their years.
“Girl Pusher,” a signature and oddly melodic heavy rocker which damned near flirts with speed metal, comes from their debut album, Lobotomy (produced by Eric Lilavois), and its new video is yet another chapter in the band’s book of visual ‘wow’ and marrying their songs with striking (if not downright discomforting) animation. Love Ghost’s school days are a hell of a lot different than how we remember them.
“The ‘Girl Pusher’ music video contains all the elements I think are fun: Motorcycles, HGH, and smashing a Private School,” says Bell. “We were lucky to find Davie Brown at Empirius Graphics – his animation and art really brought the vision I had when I wrote the script to life perfectly.”
Youth wasted on the young, indeed.
The Where: If you’re in the Los Angeles area this weekend, Love Ghost play the neighborhood music festival Echo Park Rising on Saturday, August 18th. And as always, you can keep up with all things Love Ghost via the usual suspects such as their official website, Facebook page and at @loveghost_ on Twitter.