THE WHO: Holy Wars (Los Angeles, CA)

Photo Credit: Mark Hanson
THE WHAT: Here within the local Los Angeles music scene we are pretty familiar with the being of Holy Wars and its inception: after the unimaginable loss of both of her parents in 2015 a wealth of pain, anger, loss and confusion became frontwoman Kat Leon’s cathartic and artistic fuel. And in and around LA’s creative enclave, she and Nick Perez found a safe place to flesh out these new and emotionally raw demons through their music.
Fast forward to 2019 and Holy Wars, with their darkly industrial-strength goth rock and coupled with the blunt force dynamism of their live show, are easily one of the most riveting bands nesting in LA: case in point, the brand new video for their latest single, “Legend” which premiered on Billboard. As visual statements go, the Erin Naifeh directed “Legend” is a not-so-subtle excoriation of our absurd current social status quo of keeping up with the Joneses, the Kardashians, and whomever your favorite influencer of the moment may be. Becoming a legend is as simple as swallowing a pill and, while the descent from the beautiful of our individuality into factory-made human props makes for an exhaustingly plastic life not well-lived, at least we got a fierce song and visual aid out of it.
THE WHERE: Holy Wars will release their second EP later this year but in the meantime, discover more and keep up with Holy Wars in all of the usual places like their official website, Facebook page and at @HolyWarsMusic on Twitter.