THE WHO: Ariana and the Rose (Brooklyn, NY)

Photo Credit: Louis Brown
THE WHAT: Love is a thing – a real and good thing – which should be celebrated loudly every day and twice on Sundays which is why we cannot help but crush on chanteuse Ariana and the Rose and her bright and vibrant capture of it in her latest video, “True Love.”
Considering how 80s juicy and joyous the song is – and yes, it’s a pure bop – nothing less than showcasing couples from various walks of life in various states of happiness with one another would serve it. Couples who are straight, queer, elderly and interracial… human.
“Each of these couples are so different and it was amazing to see their dynamic come out as we filmed them,” says Ariana. “It was so full of joy and the shoot really felt like a celebration. Love is contagious and my hope is that the video inspires someone to go tell the people they love how much they care about them.”
Every bit of that shines through as you watch Ariana’s cast of beautiful show off their relationships in gorgeous, quirky, fun and loving color. And considering the month of June’s official status as PRIDE Month, “True Love” is as perfect a Video Of The Week as they come.
THE WHERE: You can keep up with and find out more about Ariana and the Rose in all of the usual places such as her official website, Facebook page and at @ArianatheRose on Twitter.