Premiere: “No More” By Brenda Carsey

The Who: Brenda Carsey (Los Angeles, CA)

The What: Raw. No blemish covered, no wrinkle pressed out, no hair combed, no post color tricks, no shadows hidden. Just raw. That’s how Brenda Carsey describes the video for, “No More”; a song from her 2017 release Solitary Refinement and not one without greater than average significance.


Carsey defines “No More” as “A song of strength that screams for the ending of a horrible relationship. Blinded by love and fear, a young woman is trapped in an abusive relationship. As time passes, strength grows beyond the walls of innocence; blinders subside and allow for a clear vision of the controlling and abusive relationship she has been trapped in. To this monster, she screams ‘No more!’ ending it all to be reborn anew.”

It’s an intensely sharp narrative and the truth isn’t always pretty but sometimes you just have to say “no more.”

The Where: You can discover more about Brenda Carsey in the usual places such as her official website, Facebook page and on Spotify.