The Who: Yoke Lore (Brooklyn, NY)
The What: Good pain: is there ever really such a thing? Brooklyn singer-songwriter Adrian Galvin aka Yoke Lore makes the case for just that with “Goodpain” where – with a virtual reality assist – the memory of a missed connection (paging Craigslist!) and what could have been becomes more sweet than bitter. As Galvan and our leading man give in to the joy of the moment by showing off some pretty smooth dance moves, it’s all a little lesson in powering through the difficult moments in order to get to and dance through the good stuff.
The Where: Once you’re done tapping your toes, you can find out more about Yoke Lore (unintended rhyme, there) via the usual places such as his official website, Facebook page and at @Yoke_Lore on Twitter.