#TourHappens…With The Dig

Release Date: February 3, 2017

Since 2010 David Baldwin (vox/guitar), Mark Demiglio (drums), Erick Eiser (keys/guitar) and Emile Mosseri (vox/bass) have been doing their thing as the New York City band The Dig and doing so with certain factors as constant running themes: keep the creative juices flowing, always writing new music, consistently releasing quality albums, and touring their asses off – which explains why I have seen them once or twice…or 12 times. Lost count…don’t judge me.

In support of their latest album, Bloodshot Tokyo, The Dig are hitting the road with the likes of Portugal. the Man and Dan Croll which will surely be a good time for the ears (tour dates HERE, kids), but let’s be honest here: touring is hard work business. With a The Dig-curated Spotify playlist of songs perfect for road tripping, Emile answers a few questions about life on the road because tour happens…

For better or worse, one aspect of touring is long stretches of time on the road between shows: What do things get like in the van after – say – 12 hours?

“Things get weird. We play violently competitive car games. Sometimes we turn into different people with different names. Sometimes we write goofy songs.”

Other than the obvious answer of your instruments, what are some things that you simply CANNOT go on tour without?

“A tour manager. We need an outside presence to dilute the drink a bit. It also helps give the tour more of a party bus vibe.”

What do you listen to in the van? Who plays DJ?

We all put on tunes at different times. The vibe can be a bit competitive. I, personally, have Shazamed songs that I liked that other band members have put on to avoid surrendering the satisfaction of asking someone, “Who is this?” Can’t let em know!”

Give us a few tour Do’s and Don’ts.

“The biggest do would be to have fun, take opportunities to hang with people in different cities you don’t get to see much when they arise. Don’ts would be to not have sex with your bandmates.”

Be honest: what are your eating habits like while on the road? Any favorite places to eat?

“They’re terrible. Mark eats raw broccoli and drinks Rotgut whiskey and sleeps in the van. The rest of us live off of BLT’s and western omelettes.”

Describe a tour day off with the Dig.

“Laundromat and a nice jog. Sometimes we hit the hotel gym to beef up for our next show. The kids are comin’ for the muscles, after all. So we gotta make sure we’re on top of our shit.”

By now, surely something absolutely awful/ridiculous/hilarious has happened, right? Tell us about one of those somethings.

“Worst thing that happened to us was when we got all our gear stolen in Chicago. We were on our way to open up for Dashboard Confessional at a Six Flags. We played in a plastic volcano using all of Dashboard’s gear to thousands of 14 year old girls. Was the best and worst day of my life.”

What lesson(s) has touring taught you?

“It has taught us how lucky we are to have each other out there on the road. As cheesy as it may sound,  I can’t imagine what singer/songwriters and standup comedians go through going out there without anyone else to help absorb the ups and downs of it all.  You have to hand it to those lone riders. They’re real champions of the road.”

For those who have not yet had the pleasure, but surely will, describe the Dig’s live show.

“It’s a real hoot! It includes dancing and singing and and all around good time. I highly recommend it for all fun seekers.”

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