It’s Friday, it’s raining in Los Angeles and there are but 15 days left in this wretched excuse for a year. The universal consensus is that 2016 has been an annus horribilis (still thanking Queen Elizabeth II for that one) but, music wise, there have been some rays of goodness to hold on to. So put your earbuds in or headphones on and jack up the volume (within safe auditory levels, of course) and explore this week’s 13 new offerings in my Spotify HEAR THIS playlist. Yes, that link will take you to my playlist so feel free to follow it and dive into its glorious depths.

As for my HEAR THIS playlist quick hits, drumroll please…
Mondo Cozmo – “Higher”
Truth be told, my musical crush on Mondo Cozmo may be a little out of control. So what he was a Video Of The Week in November. So what, I’ve been to all but one of his LA shows. So what I was up at 2:23am checking Spotify because I knew this song was releasing today. So what I bought one of his handmade t-shirts and so f*cking what his music gives (me) a real good emotional feel good that borderlines on transcendent because artists who make effective and affective music such as the stuff he’s been dishing out don’t come round every day. On “Shine” MC lay a warm hand on our collective hearts to ease us towards better (thanks for that, dude). But now there’s “Higher,” the party’s getting started and MC is dancing his ass off. And there’s cowbell. What more do you need on a Friday?
Dorothy – “Dark Nights”
Having an almost dangerous fascination with creamy hazelnut spread aside, Dorothy (the woman and the band) is all that and a bag of Hawaiian bread. One of my 10 Artists To Watch in 2016 (and girl crush), they signed to RocNation, went on tour with fellow badasses of the female persuasion Lita Ford and Halstorm, released a pretty damned rock-potent debut album and blew away audiences across the country. “Dark Nights” is all hard punches, dense fuzz, and Dorothy Martin’s exceptional voice as fierce as a weapon. This video…not so much.
Leopold and his Fiction – “Waves (Golden)”
He’s a bit blonder today, but the always dapper Leopold (and His Fiction) are still purveyors of a special brand of rock and roll that infuses rootsy folk and punk with Detroit soul and whatever else he’s feeling at the moment. There’s always a beautifully interesting edge that Leopold and His Fiction lean on that blurs darkness and light and I’m into it. That and his constant companion, Flying V.
Thanks for coming, lovelies, and til next time….Love, @dharma69.