“Ghost of Santa Fe” By Alberta Cross

The Who: Alberta Cross (Brooklyn, NY)

The What: Since 2005 Alberta Cross has been rolling with a distinct and distinctly rich variation on the alternative/folk combo. Since 2005 Alberta Cross has also gone through a few structural variations, but the one constant has been its voice: Petter Ericson Stakee. While Stakee may be Swedish, he’s always channeled a thoroughly American essence of roots rock through Alberta Cross which brings us to the follow up to 2012’s Songs of Patience: a self-titled record fairly robust in beauty. And that brings us to the video for the single, “Ghost of Santa Fe” featuring Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight actor Craig Stark rambling through Joshua Tree National Park running from or searching for…something. It’s a desert escape that occupies the mind with a soaring soundtrack accompanied by horns as a bonus and signals the welcome return of Alberta Cross.

The Where: Since we know that you want to dig into Alberta Cross further, you can find out more at their official website, on Facebook and at @AlbertaCross on Twitter.