The Who: Secret Someones (New York, NY)
The What: Bess Rogers, Hannah Winkler, Lelia Broussard, and Zach Jones are operating under the name of Secret Someones. Based in New York, the video for the melodic alt-rockers new single, “Headfirst,” is directed by Mike Irving. Shot in New York City, the video features the band playing black-eyed aliens who are observing a fellow alien girl as she runs around the city wreaking havoc. Signed to Cherrytree Records and working on their debut full length album (set for release in October), “Headfirst” is just a sample of the collective excellence in songwriting and musicianship that Secret Someones has to offer.
The Where: You can find out more and keep up with Secret Someones via their official website, Facebook and tweet them at @Secret_Someones on Twitter.