The Who: Genevieve
The What: Colors…and we’re not talking about the hair even though it is fair and accurate game. Instead, we’re talking about the bright and the shiny, the dark and the muted, the vibrant and the dull that make up everyone and everything. Formerly from now disbanded Company of Thieves, Genevieve is on a brand new life and musical path as a solo artist. Here she, along with her adventure mates, embark upon finding that magical Yellow Brick Road that leads more to one’s inner uniqueness and truths than to the Wizard of Oz. Directed by Mia Lidofsky, “Colors” (from her debut EP, Show Your Colors) is a fun little romp through self-worth and discovery and just the tip of what Genevieve has to offer. And when Genevieve sings “your star is in the sky / so go ahead, align it” you get the feeling that she’s taking her own advice. So show your colors, girls. And boys. [descrimination-free zone, here]
The Where: Want to keep up with Genevieve? Then check out her official website or find her on Facebook and at @HelloGenevieve on Twitter!