“The Heartbeat The Soul” By Dark Waves

The Who: Dark Waves (Los Angeles, CA)

The What: Dark Waves made its live presence known last July in Los Angeles, CA but since then, the moody, synth-pop band fronted by the dark and broodish good looks of Nick Long has released a self-titled EP that reads like a romantic ache brushed with noir-ish intimacy. Directed by Djay Brawner, take this video for “The Heartbeat The Soul” and it’s cycle journey towards what, we know not. Long’s seductive vocal pathways march above the song’s keen synth production; low and high in accordance with what he’s searching for. But a cabin in the woods, a fire red skyline and a lady in waiting tell a story that’s best and only left to the imagination.

The Where: You can find Dark Waves on Facebook, their official website or at @DarkWaves on Twitter.