“Karaoke” By Smallpools

The Who: Smallpools (Los Angeles, CA)

The What: It’s hard to believe but in early 2013, Los Angeles quartet Smallpools were barely a band. Equally incredible, the fact that without ever having played a live show, they found themselves signed to RCA Records and releasing a self-titled EP containing the single, “Dreaming,” which literally took over the summer. Since then, we’ve watched them grow and they’ve covered a ton of tour ground garnering a fantastic fan base literally built upon the infectious nature of their live shows (whales, included), their exuberant power pop and the feel good it inspires. We’re not quite sure what inspired this retro 70s, all mannequin (paging Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrall) pool party version of “Karaoke” (the first single from their upcoming debut album, LOVETAP! due out March 24th) complete with Chinese lanterns, pornstaches and disco balls but just imagine Sean Scanlon, Joe Intile, Mike Kamerman and Beau Kuther fulfilling their respective rolls. The question is which one of them is the mannequin peeing in the bushes. Inquiring minds and all that.

The Where: You can keep up with Smallpools here, on Facebook and at @Smallpools on Twitter.