The Who: Dead Sara (Los Angeles, CA)
The What: Depending upon who you ask, they’re the saviors of rock n roll. Around here we call them badass and possibly the most fiercely talented collective foursome of youth, ambition and pure talent that we’ve seen in many years and what a beautiful thing. They’re Emily Armstrong (vox, guitar), Siouxsie Medley (lead guitar), Chris Null (bass) and Sean Friday (drums) and from their upcoming sophomore album, Pleasure To Meet You (which you can get your hands on through PledgeMusic), “Mona Lisa” is a surrealistic house party where the band shows off their truest talents: finger snapping, hand clapping, rocking out in the confines of a trailer, Sean’s quasi-Cabbage Patch dance and Siouxsie’s uber graceful en pointe ballet moves. Leonardo da Vinci was a pretty progressive dude, therefore we think he would highly approve.
The Where: Now that you’re one of the DEADicated (it’s a thing), you can always find Dead Sara on Facebook, their official website or tweet them at @DeadSara.