SDCC 2014: The Big Bang Theory Writers Panel

The Big Bang writer’s panel was just as nerdy as you might imagine. Lots of Star Wars talk including an amusing anecdote about the first time James Earl Jones and Carrie Fisher met which was apparently on the set of The Big Bang Theory when Carrie ran up to James and called him dad. Moderator Craig Ferguson was called out on a couple of occasions; once for not recognizing an Assassin’s Creed costume and another for his distaste of Aquaman (by the grand-daughter of Aquaman’s creator). The room got a bit chilly for a second until Ferguson mimed a dramatic harakiri.

Garfunkel & Oates

© Kristen Coveleskie, 2014

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Big Bang Theory panel without a few surprises (remember last year with Johnny Galecki surprised us from within the audience in a cosplay costume?!). This year, the panel opened with singing duo, Garfunkel and Oates, performing a rendition of the song they wrote that Wolowitz sang to Bernadette on the show. Then, mid-way through the panel, there was a special screening of the trailer for Penny’s movie Serial Ape-ist 2: Monkey See, Monkey Kill (a sequel to a low-budget horror film Penny shot when she first moved to Los Angeles), which you can watch below. This was followed by Ape-ist star (and Sheldon’s mortal enemy), Will Wheaton, joining the panel to add to the discussion.

Upcoming season spoilers were kept to a minimum despite several audience questions about the future of Sheldon and Amy’s relationship. The only tidbit revealed was that the kiss scene on the train was particularly difficult for the writers to finalize and there was a different scene written that was on the sweeter side. Taking the Amy/Sheldon relationship question to another level, panelist Eric Kaplan began an intellectual debate about whether or not a fan would/should be satisfied with a spoiler like that. Leave it to The Big Bang Theory panel to go deep within the psyche!