Predominantly an one-man show, Admirers is the product of Mike James (formerly Hawker M. James/Mikey Jukebox, mastermind behind The Mercies and one-time drummer for Longwave – a High Voltage fave). Gearing up for the release of their Night Night EP (release date: May 13th), we’re pleased to debut the title track.
In speaking about “Night Night,” James explains “this was the first mix during the making of album where I thought, ‘this is it!.’ I immediately bonded with it and knew I was onto something. So much so, that I danced around the studio.” The Night Night EP will feature remixes and early mixes from the Involuntary Memory sessions. Including a mix of “Return” by legendary trip-hop pioneer Howie B (U2, Tricky, Bjork). Also, a remix from Hype Machine darlings, Joywave. Also, there is an unreleased track, Wild Heart, an art rock disco stomp which brings to mind Berlin era Bowie, or late 90’s Primal Scream. And, James’ brief work with Lenny Kravitz producer Henry Hirsch.
Without further ado, we invite you to open your ears and dig in: