New Music Monday: The Stone Pines, Act As If & Random Thought

I believe that I’m at the point where I can stop blaming Canada for anything/everything that goes wrong in my life, in society or the world (if this allusion does not ring a comedic bell, apparently you suck at “South Park” history). So in accordance with my new-found approval of things Canadian, we can talk about Vancouver, British Columbia’s the Stone Pines.

“Part Rock, part Blues, and with a hint of Reggae” is the story that their band bio tells and those words are an accurate read on the feel and sound of what Josh Larsson (Vox), Corey Fenton (Guitar/Vocals), Ryan Krumins (Guitar/Vocals) and Clark Buchanan (Bass) work out in their music. May 2012 saw their first full length release in Landmark and it’s nine tracks of an alt sound fluid enough to convey emotion with aggressive edges sharp enough to spill your beer to. They have a healthy grasp on science of the groove and Larsson’s vocals carry young soul, but soul nonetheless. Below is “Straight Through,” but also check out “Wild Child Style” and “Stone Coloured Grey.” Their album is all “pay what you want” so be kind to the hard working musicians.

Random thought:

  • In all good conscience, I cannot recommend the Darkness‘ new album, Hot Cakes. From bedlam to boredom and shiny mediocrity at it’s finest. 
I can, in all good conscience, recommend the lovely light and melody of the likes of Act As If and their song, “Oh My My.”

They’re an indie rock outfit from Los Angeles who, while not necessarily blazing any new trails in the genre, certainly craft perfectly delicious and thoughtful jewels of popcentric rock in the vein of Seattle’s Barcelona. The players are Peter Verdell (vox, guitar), Diego de la Rosa (drums), J. David Carrera (guitar) and Sara Lindsay (keys, vox)  and “Oh My My” boasts that sweet, euphoric feeling of falling in love with an upbeat swoon that’s mostly irresistible and if you dig it you can grab their latest EP, The Iron Is Hot, on iTunes.

Enjoy your Monday.