SXSW: Ladies’ Night

Several things happened today: due to losing my drivers license, I told more people than I can remember how old I am, I watched the varied range of emotional reactions from a band who played their final show at SXSW, the overwhelming crush of bodies swarming around was starting to get to me, and in my head I  began advance planning for SXSW 2013.

Apparently good things come in lady-packages because two of my highlights had women front and center:

Living up to ALL of the hype (which you know ain’t easy) was Haim and this sister act Este, Alana, and Danielle, and Dash Hutton on drums made enduring a sweaty, moist, and hella packed Karma Lounge worth the extra deodorant. These ladies pull the trigger on 80’s pop harmony, Fiona Apple-esque lyricism and girl power prowess to kind of snake charm your ears with their authority. Yes they’re a Los Angeles band, but it was a shit ton easier to see them here at SXSW than it’s been for me to see them in LA…which never happened. Sometimes it just works out like that.

Sweet is as sweet does, see HoneyHoney for further. With a touch of moonshine, boot stomping, Americana/alt-Country, bruising blues, and the soul of rock, Suzanne Santo (probably the prettiest thing I’d seen all day), and Ben Jaffe make the case for why this musical style never truly goes out of fashion and probably never will. HoneyHoney is a dustbowl hybrid of new vintage goodness.

And then there was the surprise of catching Voxhaul Broadcast who filled in at the Whole Foods Market Rooftop for the absent  South African band, the Parlotones who had to take off for a commitment in Argentina. Other than that being my last and failed attempt at catching the Parlotones, I’m not mad because Voxhaul are pretty bad ass.

Over at Stubb’s was Londoner, Ed Sheeran, who has a way with acoustic folk that makes it less of a snoozefest than it has a tendency to be. Come on people, let’s be real: more often than not acoustic folk is a better sleep aid them Sominex. Sheeran was a warm and charming dose os pleasant.

Up for today:

~Rachel Ray’s Feedback @ Stubb’s (801 Red River St) : Free food, lots of music! 10:30-4pm
The Heavy, Blitzen Trapper, Of Monsters and Men, The Cringe w/ Billy Gibbons, LP, the Wild Feathers, and more

~The Aussie BBQ @ Maggie Mae’s (323 E. 6th St.): Australian bands in the hizouse!
Andy Clockwise, Electric Jellyfish, Jonti, Dead Letter, Sparkadia, Jordie Lane, Bonfire Nights, Voltaire Twins, Grace Woodroofe, and many more!

Later, lovelies.
