HV: SorryEverAfter is a “supergroup” of sorts. Does the band have any particular favorite “supergroups,” other than yourselves?
Lynda: Hmmm, I was raised on the Beatles and Emerson, Lake & Palmer. They’re my favorite super group! I know Mike likes The Byrds and Wire. Christa likes Fleetwood Mac and The Cure and Erika digs The Breeders and Me First and The Gimme Gimmes. Quite a mish-mosh!
HV: I’m quite a fan of your previous outfit, Fabulous Disaster. What would you tell Fabulous Disaster fans to get them to give SorryEverAfter a listen?
Lynda: Why thanks! I would tell people if they want to hear good hooks with catchy melodies and delay pedals, SorryEverAfter will be right up their alley! I think our lyrics can strike a chord with just about everybody.
HV: Where did you get your amazing moniker? I love fairy tales but feel as though they’re more or less futile, which seems to be the sentiment you’re hoping to evoke.
Lynda: Mike came up with the name. We were kicking around a few names for a while, but that one stuck. It’s kind of ironic too because we “seem” to be happy people, at least when we are playing music, but I think the lyrics tie in with the name for sure.
HV: You’re based out of the Bay Area, which has a number of great musical projects as of recently (and historically). Are there any that you’re particularly fond of?
Lynda: My last favorite Bay Area band was Von Iva. They had everything; the look, the songs. I think they disbanded a year ago but I thought they could have gone far. Recently I’ve been liking this band Dirty Ghosts, catchy stuff!
HV: Cool. You just released a six-song EP and have a forthcoming LP. What should fans of your shorter works expect of your first LP?
Lynda: The songs are a little different on the upcoming LP. I think the songwriting has gotten better and way more interesting. I really like incorporating more effects on my guitar leads and melodies, plus the vocals are a bit more dreamy in some spots.
HV: What are your hopes for SorryEverAfter in 2012?
Lynda: Mega radio play, a Grammy nomination and the completion of our new video, “Honey Girl!”
HV: Last question. I understand that the band has a “ferocious baseball obsession.” Any predictions for your Giants or baseball in general this coming season?
Lynda: Giants all the way baby! So glad Timmy will be with us for a while. I’m in major love with shortstop Brandon Crawford. I wrote a song called “Blueyes” just for him.
HV: Thanks for your time.
Lynda: Thanks again for the interview.