When Cultures Collide….Friday Edition

Good day, music friends. I’m currently doing two things that I really dig: having tea and talking about music. Here’s a mini-recap of this girl’s highlights.

The Friday edition of Filter Magazine’s Culture Collide music festival bore some good musical fruit to the ears despite the venue and time changes, and partner-in-crime Chelsea and I are kicking ass on the festival’s button collection-fest, Pin It To Win It game. Oh yeah, that iPad is mine:-).

Pass the Dutchie aka Dutch Impact @ Taix

Laura Jansen
Laura Jansen: This lovely and pixie looking Los Angeleno apparently has Dutch DNA going on (born in The Netherlands) making her a fine local representative for the Dutch party. A singer/songwriter who took the stage with her stellar band and her keyboard following two highly electric, guitar driven bands, Jansen held her own and never lost the attention of the crowd. Clean and pure vocals, melody-driven tunes, fun and interactive personality, and songs about dating a douchebag. #winning!


Always a sucker for the down-under since the days of Crocodile Dundee, I made it a point to catch Australia’s Guineafowl at Origami Vinyl. Pop on the indie side, danceable, fun with a little folk underneath, the 5-piece band made all of us happy even if we had to crane our necks the entire set.

*FYI…if you’re still in LA on Monday, feel free (“free” being the operative word) to catch Guineafowl at Bardot’s in Hollywood along with San Diego’s amazeballz The Silent Comedy. Part of Bardot’s It’s a School Night series, RSVP HERE and I’ll see you there. Dancing shoes are not optional.

Black Box Revelation

Ahhh, but the rock and roll kicker came by way of Belgium and Black Box Revelation who I’d been looking forward to all day. Two guys who prove that you just don’t need a lot of hardware, software, tweaks, or technology in order to make a good noise. Jan Paternoster (vocals, guitar) and Dries Van Dijck (drums, percussion) made many heads do that rock-roll/headbang thing (I saw them) because theirs is a brand of bluesy, garage rock with enough snarl to be sexy, yet still a shit ton of fun and I’m sad that their part of the festival is done.

There you go, lovelies, another solid day of musical goodness in the books. Oh, but we’re not done yet. Stay tuned for words about Saturday…
