Cursive | The Ugly Organ | Rating: 8.5/11 | Reviewed by: Jennifer F. |
Cursive created an interesting album in The Ugly Organ. The disc is unified through a unique method of storytelling. The second track, “Some Red Handed Sleight of Hand,” introduces the coming songs with its own lyrics that read, “And now, we proudly present songs of perverse and songs of lament / A couple hymns of confession, and songs that recognize our sick obsessions.” The honest storytelling form is seen throughout the album. Also unifying the disc are moments of rustling noise or whispers that set a haunting mood reminiscent of a “Phantom of the Opera” quality.
As far as melodies go, there lacks this apparent unity seen in other aspects of the CD. The beginning of the disc contains more punk-based melodies and vocals, while the disc ends with a more quiet, instrumental sound. The lyrics in the first few songs go well with the album, but the unoriginal punk melodies detract from the tone that the album is trying to establish. The Ugly Organ does gain momentum in the middle with continuous good tracks like “Driftwood: A Fairy Tale,” “A Gentleman Caller,” and “Harold Weathervein.” Lyrics like: “Whatever I said to make you think that love’s the religion of the weak / This morning we love like weaklings / The worst is over” found during “A Gentleman Caller” illustrate the good quality of the lyrics in many songs found on the album.
Aside from the first few songs, this is a unique CD and a good listen overall.