High Voltage Magazine

Tom Petty is the man!

posted by High Voltage Staff | Thursday, February 25, 2010 | 12:55 PM
If an email announcing Tom Petty and The Heartbreaker's first new album in 8 years entitled Mojo wasn't exciting enough this morning, it also came with a tour announcement. Now if you're not familiar with Tom Petty and his history of standing up against the music industry, read this article from 2002 real quick: The Ten Things that Piss Off Tom Petty

Needless to say, Tom Petty is fully aware that concert ticket sales are dropping every month. With that he has announced a special gift to everyone who purchases a ticket to an upcoming show in advance. The gift? Well, all 2010 tour tickets purchased online will include an MP3 download of, Mojo. You'll get two tracks upfront ("First Flash Of Freedom" and "Good Enough") and then, on the album release day, ticket buyers will be sent a download of the rest of the album. But wait, there's more! Also included with your ticket purchase, to be delivered at the end of the 2010 tour, will be a selection of live tracks recorded during the tour. Now those are some killer incentives!


We'll see you at the ticket counter!

Official Site



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